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How to Hide a Pregnancy During the Holidays

How to Hide a Pregnancy During the Holidays

It’s the holiday season, and that means all of your friends are getting together to celebrate. The last thing you want is for them to notice that you’re pregnant! I will show you how to hide a pregnancy during the holidays- what clothes to wear, 

10 Ways to Baby Proof a Christmas Tree

10 Ways to Baby Proof a Christmas Tree

The holidays are a time for family and fun, but they can also be stressful as well. One of the things that may cause some stress is making sure your Christmas tree stays child-proofed. With these tips to help you baby proof a Christmas tree, 

The Best Pumping Covers for Pumping Moms

The Best Pumping Covers for Pumping Moms

Choosing a pumping cover is super easy once you understand the important features you should be looking for.      One of the best pumping covers for pumping moms is actually to use a breastfeeding cover- even if you aren’t breastfeeding. They’re designed to do 

Newborn Sleep Schedule

Newborn Sleep Schedule

Bringing home a newborn baby is very exciting. But as you start to settle in, you may start to desire to have some sort of routine in your home. Creating a successful newborn sleep schedule is doable if you do so according to the newborn 

How many calories does breastfeeding burn?

How many calories does breastfeeding burn?

Breastfeeding is a great thing for mom and baby. It helps your child grow up to be healthy and strong. What are the benefits for you?   Breastfeeding burns calories! But, just how many calories does breastfeeding burn? A breastfeeding woman can burn 350-500 calories 

Birth Plan Template for First-Time Mothers

Birth Plan Template for First-Time Mothers

Knowing what you want for your upcoming birth is the exact reason you should use a birth plan template for first-time mothers.   Birth plans are great for communicating with your doctor or midwife and making sure they know what’s important to you as well 

Important Baby Classes for First-Time Parents

Important Baby Classes for First-Time Parents

It’s not a secret that having children is one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences in the world. It can also be scary, overwhelming, and challenging at times. There are some incredible baby classes for first-time parents that are super beneficial to take before 

Best Postnatal Vitamins for Breastfeeding Moms

Best Postnatal Vitamins for Breastfeeding Moms

There are so many things that change after having a baby. Obviously, you have a new baby to take care of, and that can be overwhelming enough.    But, as you well know, or soon will, your body is experiencing a LOT of changes as 

The Best Hospital Bag Checklist

The Best Hospital Bag Checklist

Packing for labor and delivery can be tricky. You want to make sure you have everything, but at the same time, you don’t want to overpack for a day that might not happen. When preparing to give birth, be sure you’ve packed everything on this 

Carpal Tunnel After Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel After Pregnancy

As if pregnancy isn’t hard enough, struggling with carpal tunnel and the numbness, pain, and tingling associated with it makes pregnancy even more difficult.    I personally experienced carpal tunnel during my pregnancies to the point that I could hardly drive for more than 10