Newborn Sleep Schedule

Bringing home a newborn baby is very exciting. But as you start to settle in, you may start to desire to have some sort of routine in your home. Creating a successful newborn sleep schedule is doable if you do so according to the newborn sleep recommendations given by doctors. 



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What is a newborn sleep schedule?

Your newborn baby’s sleep schedule looks a lot like an adult’s in that he or she sleeps, generally speaking, for one to three hours at a time. Newborns are also much more likely to be active during their waking times than babies who are older than six weeks of age.


The most important thing to remember about newborn sleep is that, for the first couple of weeks after your baby’s birth, your baby will need you to take care of him or her.


Your baby will wake up several times during the course of his or her sleep cycle, and you’ll need to feed your baby.


Think of their sleep cycles like this: They wake up to feed, eat, or simply be held and comforted. Shortly after you’ve finished tending to your baby, he or she will drift off to sleep once again…and the whole process repeats itself throughout the night.


Naps are different from nighttime sleeping patterns in that your baby will probably sleep for a longer period of time.








Is it possible to put a newborn on a sleep schedule?

There are several different schools of thought on whether or not you can put your baby on a schedule at this point in his or her life, but most pediatricians will tell you that it’s best to try to stick to the same routine day in and day out while you’re still staying at home. It’s recommended that you wait until your baby is 4 months old to work on creating a daily sleep routine.


Your newborn needs consistency to feel secure and safe and knowing that Mom is always going to be there when he or she needs her will help your baby feel secure.







Why is a newborn sleep schedule important?

It’s recommended that you try to stick to a schedule as much as possible. This will help your baby sleep more soundly and wake up feeling healthier, stronger, and less likely to become fussy or irritable during the day.


Your newborn’s sleep schedule will also help you and your partner to feel more rested so that you have enough energy and patience to take care of your little one.







What is a newborn routine?

A newborn sleep routine will help regulate your baby’s cycles, but it’s important that you follow certain routines during the day as well.


Bonding with your child is just one of the reasons why these routines are important; they also prepare him or her for the next stage in his or her development.


Your baby needs you to sing lullabies, read bedtime stories, and hold him or her tight so that your child feels secure and safe as he or she drifts off into slumber. It may seem like a lot of work every night, but the payoff will be worth it: A happy, healthy child who is developing to the best of his or her ability.


For us, our newborn routine has varied with each child, but they all looked similar. The biggest routine we started from birth and have continued since is our nighttime routine. It consists of a warm bath, nighttime snuggles, a feeding, or as they got older a snack, and then songs and bedtime.








Reasons a Newborn Routine is Important

Develops trust in self and others

Your baby needs to know that you’ll be there for him or her no matter what because this will instill confidence in your child as he or she grows up and learns to trust other people and to trust his or her own instincts.


Helps your baby relax

Your newborn needs plenty of rest so that he or she can focus on developing properly, and a routine will help him or her do this.


Assists in sleep training

Babies are often afraid of the unknown, which is why they don’t always sleep well. A routine will help your child feel more secure about the world around him or her, which will make falling asleep easier and staying asleep longer possible.


Establishes a schedule for eating, sleeping, and exercise

This is something that you are going to continue to work with your baby on as he or she grows up. Having a routine will help you to know what time it is and when your baby needs something, such as eating or changing a diaper.


Helps baby have fun

You should always remember that your child was put on this Earth to enjoy his or her life and have fun with the people around him or her, so don’t be afraid to make the occasional silly face or sing a silly song.








What should you do during your newborn routine?

Your baby’s routine will vary according to his or her needs, but here are some general things that you’ll want to include:


You may need to wake your child up for this, but make sure that you give him or her plenty of time to eat and digest the food before attempting to put your baby back down.


Singing lullabies

You should sing lullabies while your child is eating so that he or she feels comfortable and secure with you and the world around him or her.


Reading bedtime stories

This is something that you will do at different times every day. You can read your child a series of books while he or she is eating, then put him or her into bed and continue reading until it’s time to go to sleep.



Cuddle with your baby after each feeding so that he or she will feel safe and secure with you, which will help your child to relax and fall asleep more easily.


Changing diapers

After feeding your baby is the ideal time to change your baby’s diaper so that he or she isn’t disturbed by this too much. Also, remember to burp your baby after every meal as well; when the milk goes down easily, there’s less of a chance that your baby will have gas or an upset stomach.



In my personal experiences, babies really enjoy a warm bath and find it to be very relaxing. A warm bath is like being back in the amniotic fluid in the womb. They feel warm and secure.








What’s the best newborn sleep schedule?

There is no right answer to this question; the only thing that matters is what works for you. Some newborns sleep well at night because they are tired from being awake during the day, but there’s no reason why you can’t follow a nap schedule if you prefer to do so. However, remember that your baby will eventually outgrow the newborn stage and that you will eventually have to switch him or her over from a schedule like this to one that’s more normal for an older child.








What’s the best way to help your baby fall asleep?

You’ll want to try several different things until you find what works well for your child, but here are some general guidelines:

Be calm and soothing

Babies are very perceptive, which is why they can tell if you are happy or stressed even when they’re still in your womb. Try to stay as calm and relaxed as possible so that your baby sees you acting like this every day, and he or she will learn how to react to stressful situations as he or she grows older.


Keep a set routine

Your baby craves structure, and following a schedule will help you to provide this for him or her so that your child feels secure in his or her surroundings. This will make the transition to staying up later at night and sleeping during the day much easier as he or she grows older.


Make sure your baby feels comfortable

Your child should always be wearing a diaper or have on an undershirt since he or she may not like the feeling of cold air against his or her skin. Also, remember to keep your house at a comfortable temperature for your child since babies are especially sensitive to temperatures that are too hot or too cold.


Read to your child

Babies like being read bedtime stories before going to sleep, which can help them to get drowsy and fall asleep as you continue reading. If you don’t feel comfortable reading, try looking at a picture book instead so that your baby doesn’t see the words but still feels comforted by your voice as he or she drifts off to sleep.








When should you put your newborn on a sleep schedule?

When a baby is about two months old, their sleep schedules become a bit more predictable and you’ll have better success implementing a sleep schedule. One thing to be mindful of is that you should not begin any kind of sleep training until your baby is at least 4 months olds.


The general consensus among experts is to begin sleep training at the age of four months, or about when a baby begins developing longer stretches of sleep during the night. You will want to be sure that your child does not have any medical problems, such as reflux or colic, which could cause him or her to wake up more often during the night. When you do start your baby on a schedule, remember that there are no hard rules for how long it must last and you can adjust it as needed depending on your child’s needs.








How can you know if your child is getting enough sleep?

Babies need between 14 and 18 hours of sleep each day; however, what they actually get will depend on how often they are waking up to feed. Parents often try to monitor their babies’ sleep rather than the times that they wake up around, and it is important to keep in mind that it’s okay for your child to wake up a few times during the night if he or she needs something. However, keep an eye on how many wet diapers you change each day as this can be a sign that your baby isn’t getting enough rest. 








How long do newborns sleep each day?

You can expect your newborn baby to sleep anywhere between 14 and 18 hours each day. During the newborn stage, your child will sleep more than he or she will later on in life and it is normal for a baby to wake up during the night. Most babies are able to sleep through the night by their first birthday, but if this does not happen you shouldn’t worry too much because there is nothing that can be done about it until they reach full maturity.








How do you get your newborn on a sleep schedule?

Getting a newborn on a sleep schedule is one of the earliest challenges parents face as their babies begin to grow older. When you are putting him or her to bed at night, be sure to do this when he or she is tired enough and fully awake so that he or she can let you know when he or she wouldn’t like to go down for a nap. Pay attention to your baby’s cues so that you can better understand what he or she needs before they start getting overtired.

Start when your baby’s sleep becomes a bit more predictable.

There’s no benefit to trying to get your baby on a sleep schedule before they’re developmentally in a place where a sleep schedule can be successful.


Try to have some sort of schedule you follow throughout the day.

I think this is one of the biggest things for any new parent. Creating some sort of daily schedule will help you through your day, and as your baby gets older, they’ll start to know what to expect throughout the day.


Don’t anticipate perfection and be prepared to be flexible.

Flexibility is the name of the game when it comes to having a newborn. You can think you’ve mastered a daily routine for your baby, and then they hit a stage of sleep regression and you find yourself back at square one.


If your baby begins to fuss or makes noise, use your video baby monitor to check on them.

Use your baby monitor to check on your baby rather than opening the door to see what they’re doing. You can upset your baby when the door opens and you’ll have to start your sleep routine all over again.


Start studying your baby’s sleep cues now so you’ll have better success later.

Once you’ve spent some time at home with your baby, you’ll start to recognize their sleep cues, or the things they do right before they need a nap. Some sleep cues are rubbing their eyes, sucking on their fingers, and crying despite being fed and having a clean diaper.


Pay attention to your baby’s sleeping patterns and time of alertness.

If you follow any kind of daily routine, such as sleep, wake, play, eat, etc, you’ll start to know that your baby is ready to sleep because they’ll have done all the other things.


Try to establish a routine for putting your baby down to sleep.

As a mom, I feel like this is one of the biggest indicators of successful sleep. Developing a sleep routine for your baby will help them start to know it’s time to sleep.








What are newborn sleep cues?

Newborns spend a lot of time sleeping, and their sleep is much lighter than the rest of their lives. As infants develop they begin to have other periods in the day where their bodies are more alert and this will be shown through different behavioral cues such as:

  • Staring off into space while awake
  • Eye rubbing or blinking rapidly
  • Flinching when you stroke his or her arm
  • Smacking lips while sucking on hands or fingers

If your baby shows any of these signs that he or she could soon wake up, quickly lay him or her down for a nap before he or she wakes up fully. Learn how your child communicates with you so that you can better understand how tired he or she really is. Since babies can’t always tell you in words how they’re feeling, you must learn to recognize their signs as they begin to develop.








How do I get my baby into a sleep schedule?

Getting your child into a sleep schedule isn’t easy at first because newborns will be taking longer naps during the day and may not always want to go down for their nap when it is deemed “time for bed.” Many parents have found that putting their children in a carrier or wrap so they feel more secure and comfortable is an excellent way of getting them on track with a sleep routine. Make sure the place where you are rocking your baby has soft lighting and a low volume so he or she won’t fall asleep right when you put them down. Remember, it’s best not to implement a sleep schedule until your baby is 4 months old.








What is sleep regression?

Sleep “regression” refers to a re-emergence of your baby’s normal behaviors. When this happens, babies typically begin waking up more during the night or refusing their naps because they are developing and learning how to express themselves and how their body works. In addition to this, newborns often have trouble with falling asleep in dark rooms so it may be helpful for parents to turn on a dim lamp or night light at bedtime. Sleep regressions occur throughout infancy but generally, fade away as your child gets older until he or she reaches adolescence









How do babies sleep when they are not alone?

Newborns’ circadian rhythms are based on their mother’s activities while she is breastfeeding or holding them.

Babies keep in sync with their mothers whether or not they are awake.

This means that when a mom holds her baby while doing everyday tasks, this helps her child develop healthy sleep habits as well as stronger attachments toward his/her mother.

Many studies have shown that individuals who receive consistent support from their family members on a daily basis are healthier and happier than those who may not receive the same level of support from their loved ones.








Why is it so important to help my newborn sleep through the night?

The fact that a child isn’t sleeping for several hours at a time during his or her first weeks does not mean there is anything wrong with him/her; instead, this means that you still have the opportunity to develop healthy habits in regards to his/her sleep patterns later on in life.

If you continue waking up around two o’clock every morning, that is all you’ll know.  However, if you can sleep through the night and wake up at seven o’clock every morning, this means that any time your child has a hard time falling asleep in their own bed when they are older, you have an opportunity to teach him or her how to fall asleep on his/her own without too much of the crying and fussing that often comes with learning new habits.








How long does it take to establish healthy sleeping patterns?

Some kids learn behaviors faster than others; however, most parents find that once their child is capable of self-soothing he or she will be able to fall asleep on his or her own with little crying.

Once you establish a routine for naptime and bedtime, it will be easier to predict what your child needs. This means that if he or she wakes up at night and has trouble falling back asleep after being held by you, you can try other calming techniques in order to help him or her relax enough so that he or she doesn’t need to sleep next to you.  In addition, if your baby does not cry when put down and begins sleeping through the night without too much fussing, this is a sign that he or she is capable of learning how to self-soothe as well as stay asleep in their own beds.








How long can I expect my newborn to sleep at one time?

Newborns tend to sleep for shorter periods of time than older children or adults.

The amount of hours newborns sleep at a time may depend on their size. Babies in the womb spend two-thirds of the time sleeping so it is no wonder they continue this behavior after being born.








Newborns Circadian Rhythm

A newborn’s circadian rhythm (the 24-hour cycle controlled by genes that cause plants and animals to move through strategies like eating) also influences how long he or she sleeps at night and during the day.


A newborn’s circadian rhythm is not fully developed until he or she is between seven and ten weeks old (this means that at this age, most babies are able to sleep through the night).


An infant’s circadian rhythms depend on many factors including how often they wake up to eat.  Newborns and infants who wake up more than once every two hours will need to eat more frequently throughout the day in order to stay healthy. At night, you may find that your baby sleeps for shorter periods of time because his or her body wants to eat since it has become accustomed to eating every two hours during the day.







How Long Should My Baby Sleep?

You can expect your newborn to sleep anywhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours at one time. This is about the time span they’ll be content without needing to be fed. Here is a quick guide on how many hours a child will sleep per day.

Birth to 2 months old: 14-18 hours of sleep each day

3 to 5 months old:13-15 hours of sleep each day; you can expect 2-3 naps each day

6 to 8 months old: 12-14 hours of sleep each day; you can expect 2-3 naps each day

9 to 12 months old: 12-14 hours of sleep each day; 1-3 naps each day




Finding a healthy balance for your newborn is important for both of you. As they start to learn what to expect during their day, your day will start to become easier. Newborn sleep patterns can feel exhausting because they’re all over the place. With time and practice, your baby will learn how to sleep, and you’ll soon enough be able to place your baby on a newborn sleep schedule.



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How to Survive Infant Colic

Natural Ways to Treat Infant Eczema

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Natural Diaper Rash Remedies





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