18 Fun Christmas Giving Ideas for Families

Getting your family into the Christmas giving spirit may be as simple as a gentle act of kindness. There are a lot of Christmas giving ideas you and your family can do together this Christmas season. You can find charitable things to do at Christmas, find ways to serve others at Christmas, and teach children the true joy of giving. 




If you’re looking for simple ways your family can give back this Christmas, here are some Christmas giving ideas for families.




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Christmas Giving Ideas for this Christmas Seasons


Invite someone over who may not have family around for Christmas

Even though people may not outright say it, a lot of people don’t have family around with who they want to celebrate Christmas. Whether it be family issues, or family living far away, invite someone over to spend part of the holiday celebrations with your family.









Stop by and visit a Nursing Home or Senior Care Facility

There is nothing better than bringing a smile to someone’s face. And chances are, you’ll do just that when your family visits a nursing home or senior care facility during the holidays. If you have young children, take them, and take your teens too. Bake something yummy, think about sugar-free, and brighten someone’s holidays this year!









Pick up trash around your community

It may be cold and snowy for some of you, but for others, a stroll around your town will likely present an opportunity for you to pick up some trash and make the area cleaner. Clean up around a park. Bring the entire family along and create a contest to see who can pick up the most!









Volunteer to play music in a Nursing Home or local Restaurant

One of my favorite things about Christmas growing up was visiting our local mall to Christmas shop and listening to someone playing Christmas music. Often it was a single flute or a piano. If you have musical talent, find somewhere you can share it this Christmas season.









Make and deliver Christmas cookies to your local fire station, police station, or library

In our family, we LOVE to bake cookies. Dig out a favorite cookie recipe, whip some up, and give some people around your community a special Christmas treat.









Make Your Money Go Further This Christmas

Christmas can become incredibly taxing for many families as they try to meet the expectations of others, and most often, their kids. If you want to manage your Christmas budget in a way that will allow you to bless others financially this Christmas, I have two posts you need to check out!









Donate your extra coats, gloves, scarves, and blankets

When you take a look at what your family needs for this winter, also be on the lookout for the winter gear you DON’T need. Take that extra winter gear and donate to a family in your community who needs some winter clothes.









Serve food at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter

Food pantries and soup kitchens can always use help from people in the community. This is certainly true during the holidays as well. If you really want to make the experience meaningful for your family, commit to serving for at least a month. Talk to the people who come in and listen to their stories. You may learn a thing or two about being blessed.









Donate to your favorite charitable organization

If you have a favorite charitable organization, consider giving a year-end donation in someone’s honor or memory. One year as a Christmas gift, my sister made a donation to an organization that is near to my heart in my honor.









Small Gifts for Kids @ Christmas

You don’t have to spend a fortune on your kids this Christmas. Maybe you opt to scale down on their Christmas gifts so that you can bless someone else with the money left over. Here are some cheaper Christmas gift ideas for kids.









Sponsor a family for Christmas instead of buying so many gifts

A lot of churches and schools participate in programs that provide clothes and gifts for families in the communities who could use some help. Consider joining in those efforts to make sure every child gets a Christmas gift this year.









Purchase gifts from Fair Trade Organizations

Not familiar with fair trade? Check out Ten Thousand Villages and learn about the incredible way you can purchase products from someone in a developing country who can then provide for the basic needs of their families.









Support Operation Christmas Child

If you’ve never heard of Operation Christmas Child, they’re an organization that collects and distributes shoeboxes to children in developing countries with essential items and small gifts for the children for Christmas. This is one of the most memorable Christmas giving ideas for kids because you can talk to them about the child who will be receiving the gift.









Run a 5K for a Charitable Organization in December

Chances are, there are several opportunities for your family to do a 5K walk or run together during the holiday season. Check out Race Find and see where there is a race near you!









Put together a box of items for soldiers overseas

One of the greatest things you can teach your kids is to appreciate our military. Whether you agree with everything the government does or not, our servicemen and woman are sacrificing, many of whom have children they are missing during the holiday season. 









Babysit for a family who can’t afford it but need a break

Take a look around your friend “tribe”. Who could use a free night out without their kids? Offer to have their kids over while they get a date night out or some free time to do Christmas shopping without the kids snooping in the shopping cart.









Make Christmas cards for a local Nursing Home or Children’s Hospital

If your kids enjoy doing arts and crafts, host a card-making night at your house. There are super simple card-making kits available. You can just have your family make them, or invite some family or friends to join you. Then take the hand-made cards to a local nursing home or hospital. This is one of the easiest Christmas-giving ideas your family can do together.

picture of a Christmas card making kit; includes a link to purchase on amazon










Offer to put up Christmas lights for someone who can’t

If you have a connection to someone who you know would enjoy Christmas lights, but they’re physically unable to put them up themselves, offer to put up Christmas decorations for them. For so many people, Christmas lights bring a lot of joy, and you can make that happen for someone this Christmas season.









Buy something from Samaritan’s Purse in honor of someone

Samaritan’s Purse is the same organization that does Operation Christmas Child. But, they’re so much more than just Christmas boxes. You can purchase gifts in honor of someone who maybe doesn’t need anything, or even for your kids to teach them that other people need things like cows and chickens just to be able to feed their families. You should check out the Samaritan Purse’s donation catalog!









Make a meal for a neighbor who’s been struggling

Chances are you know someone who could use a meal and some company. Maybe you know someone who has had some medical issues or who has lost a loved one this past year and they’re missing them. Brighten their day by cooking a meal and scheduling some time to visit.




Christmas Giving Ideas This Christmas

Here are some of the best Christmas-giving ideas that will allow your family to serve others this Christmas and love your community well. I think it is so important to teach our kids how blessed they truly are. Maybe the greatest gift you can give your kids this Christmas can’t be wrapped up with a bow on top. Just something for you to think about!



MORE Awesome Christmas Activities

Christmas Activities for Families

The Best Christmas Books for Kids

How to Stretch Your Christmas Budget

Adorable Baby’s First Christmas Gifts

Christmas Eve Activities for Families



blessings to you





christmas giving ideas for families pinterest pin serve as a family at Christmas pinterest pin how to volunteer as a family at Christmas pinterest pin ways to give back at Christmas pinterest pin










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